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Be A Player
Client: Blood Cancer UK
Personal Project
Benji Brown - Copywriter
Danny Sutherland - Art Director
Blood cancer research relies on donations, but recently these donations have hit an all time low.
Over 650 children are diagnosed with blood cancer every year. Making it the most common among children.
Without donations, research will halt. But the effects of cancer will continue to affect millions.
'Be A Player' is a campaign that will convey the message that cancer waits for no one. Through retro arcade themed imagery, we want to show that unlike these classic games that completely stop and won't start again until you 'Insert Coin To Continue' cancer doesn't wait for donations to come in to carry on causing problems.
Posters using imagery from the most classic arcade games with a twist.
An app that allows users to take part in playing these classic arcade games, with a chance to earn high scores and win prizes, whilst also giving them a quick and easy access link to the Blood Cancer UK website where they can easily donate.
Real life arcade machines placed in locations such as university common rooms, pubs and shopping centres that the public can pay to play. These will also second as donation boxes, with all proceedings being donated straight to Blood Cancer UK.
Check out our social media ad (left) and digital poster (right) below.
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